The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs

Rainey for a mammoth store building. Filling the gap between the Bank of Saline and Conway O’Bannon’s stable, it will extend from buy canada goose jacket cheap W. North St. to W. Court St. The Saline Republican

1937 Bad roads did not affect the Hardeman Club ladies from meeting Thursday with Mrs. Russell Mitchell, canada goose outlet jackets hostess. There were seventeen members and five visitors. Some came walking and some in wagons. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Charles LaRue on March 18. The Daily Democrat News

1990 The roof canada goose jacket outlet of the canada goose outlet nyc International Shoe factory is finally being replaced. Before the plant closed, hundreds of five gallon buckets hung from canada goose outlet the ceiling of the plant to catch canada goose factory sale water pouring in from canada goose outlet online uk the leaky roof. The Democrat canada goose outlet black friday News

1859 It is a common observation that one ”can’t see the town for the houses;” now you canada goose outlet reviews can’t see the road for the mud. The bad roads have almost stopped the hemp coming in, though occasionally an ox wagon ”drags its slow length along.” The Marshall Democrat

1910 Rea Page Milling Co. will erect a new grain elevator in Malta Bend this spring. The elevator, when complete, will have storage room for about fifty thousand bushels of grain. The Marshall Republican

1960 Mrs. Sammy Hayslip is the new manager of the Montgomery Ward store here, succeeding Mrs. Norman Nelson who was manager for eight years. Mrs. Nelson recently joined State Farm Mutual Insurance. The Daily Democrat News

1875 Houstonia is in ruins after a tornado, about 100 miles in width, spent its full fury on the business part of the town. 19 canada goose outlet sale houses destroyed, a train blown from the track, and several persons badly injured. Saline County Progress

1904 About fifty Canada Goose Parka Saline county passengers on the ”Plug” were delayed near Higginsville from Saturday canada goose outlet new york city evening to Sunday morning. The train was 14 hours on the way from Kansas City to Marshall. The Marshall Republican

1925 The Kansas City Little Symphony Orchestra will perform March 7 canada goose outlet parka in the high school auditorium. In cheap canada goose order that every child in Marshall and vicinity will have the opportunity of hearing this concert, the price has been set at 25 cents. Lowe pointed out that statesmen as far back as Presidents Monroe and Jackson realized the national obligation to create such a road as is advocated by the National Old Trails Road Association. The Marshall Republican

1927 canada goose store The home of artist George C. canada goose coats Bingham at Arrow Rock has been purchased by several patriotic citizens to be held as a shrine to the memory of this famous character. The Weekly Democrat News

1960 Dr. James H. Martin, now a prominent chiropractic physician with offices near Canada Goose sale the square, was a member of one canada goose uk black friday of Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s expeditions to Antarctica. The Daily Democrat News

1890 The third annual meeting of the Missouri Trotting and Pacing Horse Association will official canada goose outlet be held at Marshall this year. Saline County Progress

1924 The Farmers Elevator Company sold the lot at the southwest corner of the mill pond to August canada goose outlet online Granneman who will open a wholesale oil Canada Goose Outlet station here in the near future. Watch Gilliam grow! The Gilliam Globe

1942 A 10 week course in Pre Employment Replacement Training will be held at Missouri Valley College. Because the war effort is taking so many men from their present places of employment into the military, the need for people to fill the vacancies is going to become more and more acute. The Daily Democrat News.