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Can individual budgets have an impact on carers and the caring role

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Older people’s experiences of cash for care schemes: evidence from the English individual budget pilot projects Moran, N. E., Glendinning, C., Wilberforce, M. R., Stevens, M., canada goose coats Netten, A., Jones, K., Manthorpe, J., Knapp, M., Fernandez, J L., Challis, D. Jacobs, canada goose factory outlet S., Jul 2013Article in Ageing Society

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544 KB, PDF canada goose store documentPublication detailsJournalAgeing SocietyDateE pub ahead of print 17 Oct 2012DatePublished (current) 7 canada goose outlet nyc Jan buy canada goose jacket 2014Issue number1Volume34Number of pages19Pages (from to)157 175Early online date17/10/12Original languageEnglishAbstractThe introduction of cash for care schemes such as individual or personal budgets in England has been seen as central to the personalisation agenda for reforming the delivery of adult social care. However, despite there being 5.2 million carers in England and Wales, the initiative concentrates predominantly https://www.zoetermeerinbeeld.nl on the needs of the service user. The focus was only on the service user in the evaluation and therefore a separate but linked study Canada Goose Outlet was set up to evaluate the impact and outcomes of IBs on carers. Carers of service users who had consented canada goose black friday sale to take part in the main IBSEN study were identified and invited to participate in a follow up study aimed at exploring how IBs impacted on carers and the caring role. The canada goose outlet new york city study found that the receipt canada canada goose outlet canada goose outlet goose outlet uk sale of the budget was significantly associated with positive impacts on carers’ reported quality of life and, when other factors were taken into account, with social care outcomes. These outcome gains were achieved despite no higher costs being incurred to the public purse, thus suggesting that IBs for service canada goose outlet black friday users are cost effective for carers.