The good news is that ’water weight’ gain is much easier to

Weight Loss In Menopause

Our ’fat’ cells have the opportunity to make estrogen in small amounts when our ovaries stop making it, or our ovaries are removed. So our body, in an canada goose outlet nyc ’unfunny’ twist of fate, creates MORE fat cells so that it can create more estrogen.

The easiest place, during menopause, to create these fat cells are in the mid section. That’s canada goose uk black friday where canada goose outlet uk sale the term ’middle age spread’ came from.

As our progesterone values canada goose outlet new york city decrease, we tend to retain water. The good news is that ’water weight’ gain is much easier to lose than fat.

Progesterone plays canada goose outlet online uk a very big canada goose uk outlet role as a protector against breast cancer and dementia. It goose outlet canada is very important during and after menopause to keep your progesterone in canada goose factory outlet the ’optimal’ range.

Testosterone is responsible for strong, healthly muscles. As we go through menopause, testosterone values can sometimes decrease.

The most common cause, in America today, is due to the growth hormone added to our meat sources (beef, chicken and pork) and pesticides and herbicides sprayed on our canada goose outlet in usa foods. They are endocrine disruptors and prevent our body from metabolizing hormones effectively.

Many know that when Canada Goose Parka the thyroid gets sluggish, metabolism cheap canada goose slows down and weight goes up.

It is common for there to be thyroid dysfunction during middle age. This is not NORMAL, but it is common. In nearly all cases, the thyroid canada canada goose coats on sale goose outlet reviews becomes lethargic due to abnormal stressors from the adrenal gland. It is important to look at adrenal function in conjunction with thyroid function. Failure to do so often leads to misdiagnosis. Many people are buy canada goose jacket taking Synthroid / Levothyroxine for thyroid dysfunction and no one has addressed the adrenal glands. Big mistake.

It is not a mistake canada goose outlet for estrogen to DROP as we age. It’s how we were designed.

Synthetic canada goose outlet store uk hormones are NOT the answer. Unopposed estrogen replacement is definitely NOT the answer, especially during non surgical menopause. Keeping estrogen levels artificially high post canada goose store menopause leads to an increased risk of breast cancer and heart disease.

To enjoy weight loss in menopause, it is important to eat right. It is important to exercise. But Canada Goose online more than that, Canada Goose Coats On Sale it is important to remain optimistic. Just like when going through puberty our body changed in ways that were unknown to us, our body’s are making changes again. It’s OK. It is possible to get back in balance. You canada goose outlet store just need the proper foundational building blocks. (When building a house, it doesn’t matter how many nails you have, if you don’t have enough lumber. And it doesn’t serve you, if I keep giving you nails.